Tuesday, 12 November 2013

Do not let people determine how you feel about you

Us as human beings have the ability to love ourselves. We are created by the almighty God, who is love. Most importantly he loves us, he will go to all measures just to show us how much he loves us. Inherently love is within us and therefore, we have the ability to love ourselves the way we are. But want prevents us from manifesting this love for ourselves is people. Do not let people suck energy out of you by; caring about what they think of you, trying to gain acceptance and letting other peoples actions affect you. The most important person is you and love starts from within.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Fulfill your potential.

Is anxiety stopping you from fulfilling your potential?

Anxiety can ruin you life if you let it, especially when it comes to forming romantic relationships. So my advice for today is step out of your comfort zone and say hi to that person you see on the train everyday and have been dying to talk to me. Ask your self this, do you want to live your life anxious and fearful.